Tuesday, 6 November 2007

B4Bs meet up


Erika Cruvinel said...

Hello Elizabeth, you have posted great pictures and photos in your blog! That is Veronica in the picture, am I right? Where was the picture taken?
Erika from Brazil

Berta said...

Dear Elizabeth, thanks for visiting our class blog this term.
I enjoyed posting comments to your students. Their blogs are really inspiring and I enjoyed your account on how things went for you, how the class blog did not get to start up but the students´ blogs blossomed.
I have a writing course at the moment that is sort of my "dream" course. I have few students and it is part of my research. If you would like to have a look at it, this is the link: http://writingatusb.wikispaces.com/

All the best and count me in if you would like vivitors to your students´blogs in the future.

BTW, the picture with Veronica is great. Aren´t f2f meetings with dear colleagues simply wonderful!!!

Bye from Caracas, Berta